Raven Coven is pleased to announce they will be providing a Faery Altar to The Tempest Smith Foundation that will be raffled off at Michigan's ConVocation 2011!!

Tempest Smith was 12 years old when she committed suicide due to bullying and religious persecution.  The behavior she was subjected to began when she was in the second grade, and increased with intensity until Tempest could no longer dispel the torment through non-violent reaction. She left written words indicating her decision. Tempest hung herself on February 20, 2001.

In September 2002, after more than a year of meditation and inner contemplation, Tempest’s mother, the late Denessa Smith, stepped out into the community with a mission and a message, and in January 2003, the Tempest Smith Foundation legally began. The debut of TSF was at the Tempest Smith Memorial Ritual held at ConVocation 2003. The ritual was performed by several prominent figures of the Pagan community to honor Tempest, ensuring that her convictions would not go unnoticed.

Today, The Tempest Smith Foundation is an organization dedicated to fostering tolerance and eliminating teen bullying.  The Foundation provides education programs for schools and community organizations on anti-bullying and discrimination, as well as helps provide networking opportunities through social events throughout the community.  The Foundation also offers scholarship opportunities to students who demonstrate a commitment to the foundation’s goals.
For more information, see www.tempestsmithfoundation.org.

Since 2003, the Foundation has hosted a raffle during Michigan's ConVocation.  The raffle consists of handmade items, clothing, statuary, jewelry, author-signed books, services, and more donated by presenters during ConVocation, visiting authors, vendors, covens, groves, groups, artisans, and individuals.  Proceeds from the raffle benefit and support the  Tempest Smith Foundation. 

This year's ConVocation is being held at The Met Hotel, 5500 Crooks Road, Troy, MI  48098.  For more information on ConVocation 2011, please go to http://www.convocation.org.

We hope to see you there!